Sunday, August 24, 2008

A really random list of things...

I am... trying my hardest to be happy here in Virginia, no matter how hard that really is.
I think... I need to get out and meet more people.
I want... to go on a cruise.
I have... so much to do before the kids go back to school next Tuesday.
I wish... for a good weekend with the hubby, sans kiddos.
I hate...annoying people.
I miss... all of my friends.
I fear...that we'll be stuck here for way too long.
I feel... overwhelmed lately.
I hear... nothing at all...oh how great the sound of silence is.
I smell...chocolate from the chocolate chip cookie I just ate.
I search... for all the stuff the kids will need for school
I things can be so different.
I regret... nothing!
I love... my husband.
I care...about all my friends.
I always... will do whatever I have to, to make sure my kids have the best lives possible.
I am bitchy as some people make me out to be.
I believe... in karma!
I dance... worse then everyone else.
I sing... really bad.
I don't always...listen when I should.
I write... whatever I can think of.
I win... never...i have bad luck.
I lose... my mind all the time.
I never... regret the things I do in life.
I my friends when they need me.
I can usually be found... taking care of my kids.
I'm scared of... snakes.
I read...not as much as I should.
I forget... as much as I remember.
I off the phone.
I am happy about... certain things in my life.